As a late-diagnosed autistic woman [Instagram Post HERE] I feel both liberated & isolated.

Since my diagnosis almost 2 years ago…

1. My energy levels:
… light up when I engage in special interests, fidget more, & explore positive sensorial triggers.
But, can feel low if I mask or feel overstimulation where I’ve overextended myself to negative sensory triggers

2. I have to surround myself with people who:
…  affirm my authentic self, continue to grow, accept me at my worst, sit in stillness with me
Versus those who expect me to conform to social norms I don’t exhibit & as a result exclude, ridicule, have a conflict with, or avoid me because of my differences (triggering rejection sensitivity dysphoria)

3. I feel like the antagonist in many interactions:
and that is received positively where my thoughts & ideas spark open & creative dialogue with those who embrace creativity and innovation
But, negatively where I can rock the boat with some who feel I am argumentative or going against the grain too much.

4. I feel a deeper connection to myself
… as I can break the stigma around non-verbal time, parallel play, & affirming my support needs
Yet, sometimes I am stuck feeling guilt when not engaging in certain situations that deplete me or are too much for my system to handle

I focus less on conforming to social norms:
… & vibe with those who take the time to learn about me as ME, and understand me on a more personal level. Those that still hold on to what emotions “look like” & struggle to adjust to my expressions because of biases they learned about with facial expression & speech/tone.

Each day I affirm & continue to work on myself, I still have to unpack what biases I’ve also learned my whole life. Affirming & loving people for their differences is always a game changer for the inclusion of autistic folks. *especially those assigned female at birth.

The focus now, versus before I was diagnosed at the end of December, 2021
LESS on:
… feeling lost
… hiding
… faking it
… exhaustion
… burnout
… prioritizing others

+ MORE on:
… realness
… relatability
… authenticity
… genuine laugher
… real joy
… unmasking.

When I laugh now, it’s the most real joy felt deeply. The right support system and people in your life help you to do just that … sometimes through impromptu lobby photoshoots.

Gratitude for stillness, nature, being unplanned, and being way more relaxed. It’s all about the company you keep, the standards you raise, and the boundaries you don’t negotiate. Energy matches energy 💫

Thanks for being here as I share my truth and for making space for me to broaden perspectives while breaking stigmas.

Engage with me over on Instagram for more about life as I know it…